Our Story
Officially founded in February 2019, we have been preparing for the creation of a foundation that would speak up for the sharks of French Polynesia since Pierrick Seybald and Kori Burkhardt met in 2016.
Pierrick Seybald, a local waterman of French Polynesia, has a lifetime of experience in the waters of the islands he has called home. A freediver, spearfishermen, surfer, and ecotourism guide with a big passion for the ocean. He created the ecotourism company Moorea Moana Tours to share his passion with others visiting the islands of French Polynesia. Kori Burkhardt, an ecologist from Oahu, Hawaii joined him in his efforts in 2016 and introduced him to the world of sharks. Pierrick’s primary interactions with sharks had been during spearfishing, where sharks are seen as a threat and not necessarily as a positive presence. Although he had no hatred for sharks he was quite indifferent towards them. Once he began training with Kori and the sharks to understand their behavior, their biology, their mechanics, and how to properly and safely handle them he became very passionate about the sharks. Together they began to focus on studying and protecting the sharks of French Polynesia. With Pierrick’s knowledge of local waters and place in the community along with Kori’s extensive experience with shark interactions and research they decided to use their efforts to create a foundation in support of protecting the sharks and ensuring a healthy ecosystem for the next generation.
When creating Mao Mana, Taurama Sun was selected as the third member to complete the foundation. Taurama is a born and raised fisherman in the Tuamotus with endless knowledge on the connection between environment and fish behavior. Although he had not spent any time purposefully interacting with sharks in the water his knowledge on their habitual patterns and moon cycles was immense from a lifetime of hunting alongside them. Fishermen are a large part of the French Polynesian lifestyle and we want to represent a positive existence where fishermen can be conservationists and conservationists can be fishermen through promoting sustainable methods that ensure a future for both sharks and the people relying on the ocean for survival.
Our mission:
At Mao Mana Foundation it is our mission to serve as a platform for shark research, educational outreach and inclusion for the local community, preventative safety training for ecotourism professionals, safe shark handling techniques for fishermen to promote positive coexistence, and ensuring the enforcement of the protection of sharks in French Polynesia.
— Kori Burkhardt, Pierrick Seybald, Taurama Sun
As time progresses it is our goal to introduce more projects focused on the protection and enforcement of sharks in French Polynesia. We also welcome outside researchers, shark professionals, and ocean conservationists to reach out to us to collaborate on projects that also contribute to these efforts worldwide.
If you would like to join us, please contact us!